Staff Directory


Vanguard Leadership Team

 First NameLast NamePositionEmail
Mrs.DebraKlotzAdministrative Assistantemail


Therapeutic (Counseling) Team

First NameLast NamePositionEmailCell Phone
MeaganDowedoffSchool Counsellor (M-Z)email604-308-7782
*Please note cell phones will only be answered during regular school hours*
ScottPlocktisSchool Counsellor (A-L)email604-308-6209 *Please note cell phones will only be answered during regular school hours*
GaryMcCuaigSchool Counsellor (Transitions)email
KimLeifsoSchool Intervention Clinician and Therapeutic Services Team Leaderemail604-202-3595
*Please note cell phones will only be answered during regular school hours*
KeyshaKingstonAboriginal Support Workeremail778-724-4797
GailShawPrimary Support Worker (M-Z)email604-308-9529
*Please note cell phones will only be answered during regular school hours*
MarissaWestPrimary Support Worker (A-L)email604-308-2366
*Please note cell phones will only be answered during regular school hours*
MitchQuinnPrimary Support Worker (A-L) and Primary First Aidemail604-218-0635
*Please note cell phones will only be answered during regular school hours*
RvenaPandalPrimary Support Worker (A-L)email604-309-4276
*Please note cell phones will only be answered during regular school hours*
AbbeyCormack (On Leave)Primary Support Worker (M-Z)email604-309-3314
KristaBrydePrimary Support Worker (M-Z)email604-308-6583


Restorative (Resource) Team

First NameLast NamePositionEmail
AngieMacInnesResource Teacher (A-M)email
DougMartinResource Teacher (N-Z)email
TwylaKamekaResource Teacher (A-M)email
KellyBeamanResource Teacher (N-Z), Resource Team Leader and School LTA Repemail
MeganDunstallSpecial Education Assistantemail
AimeeWeissSpecial Education Assistantemail
DanaMacDonaldSpecial Education Assistantemail
ChristinaBrownSpecial Education Assistantemail


Classroom (Teaching) Team

First NameLast NameSubjectEmail
NaimaAlamTeacher - Sciences, Math and Physical Educationemail
AmneetKhellaTeacher - English, Social Studiesemail
DaryllWagnerTeacher - Mathemail
GlenMagerTeacher - Music, Physical Educationemail
CaseyMynottTeacher - ADST, Careersemail
JamesNelsonTeacher - Music, Physical Educationemail
SandeepSandhuTeacher - English, Social Studies and Careersemail

Specialist Team

First NameLast NamePositionEmail
CeiliahSorensonClinical Counsellor, Substance Use Services - LCSSemail
ChelseyStorringsCafeteria Assistantemail
ClaireBrownRCMP Liaison Officer
ColleenHansenCareer Advisoremail
SamGregorySchool Psychologistemail

Our Resources

This section is available to all professionals who would like to know more about our school practices and developing knowledge base.  Please be aware that everything presented below is intended for training purposes and the development of our collaborative debate over best theories and practices. If you have any questions or concerns around the content please let administration know – we would be happy to remove any content that is not considered appropriate to all – students, staff, families and all community members.


New Child Abuse Protocol (April 2019)

Starting on April 1, 2019, the process for documenting suspected child abuse, by someone who is NOT an employee (Form B) will be changing.  All staff have a common law duty to report suspected child abuse.  In such cases, the proper authorities must still be notified – by calling MCFD at 1-800-663-9122 or FVACFSS (if the student identifies as Aboriginal) at 1-855-533-8826.

Child Abuse Reporting (Form B) Process:
  • Staff log into the “Staff Net” system on the Langley School District Website
  • Once logged in, employees will see an icon for “Student Safety” – click on the icon to access the CAR reporting system (see image below)
  • Completing most of the form prior to the call will help prepare the caller for the questions that will be asked
  • A phone call is then made to the appropriate authority reporting the suspected abuse
  • Staff will need to note down the name of the intake worker and any proposed action that is identified (if any)
  • After the call is completed, staff can complete the on-line form and submit it to the District.
The new CAR report is an online form version of Form B which the District has used for many years.  Please note that there are mandatory fields which must be completed prior to submitting.  Staff have the ability to save the report and submit it later – for example, if one doesn’t have all of the necessary information, one can save it, reopen it and submit it later.  One of the benefits of the on-line reporting system is that a staff member will always have access to the forms they have submitted historically, even if they move schools as they are saved by the employee’s number.
Once a report is submitted on-line, the building principal will be notified automatically.  As well, the District Principal of Student Support Services will continue to receive and monitor the reports as has always been the practice.
Staff are directed not to print or create screen shots of the new on-line reporting tool to preserve strict confidentiality of the process.
Finally, the process for submitting a suspected child abuse form that involves a school district employee has not changed.  The Form A process will remain in effect:
Is an employee of the Langley School District
Follow the Form A process
  1. Complete Form A (found on the Langley School District website under Staff Net).
  2. Fax the form to the Superintendent’s confidential fax at 604-532-1473 or hand deliver if possible.
  3. Superintendent and Human Resources will communicate with the RCMP and get direction.
  4. Seal and send “secured” original to the Director of Human Resources (SBO).
  5. Retain and secure personal notes for legal purposes.
Friday, March 15th will be the last day paper versions of Form B’s will be submitted via scan to Alice Boyd and the original being sent via internal mail to Renge Bailie.  If an employee submits a Form B, via either of these traditional methods, after April 1st, it will be returned to the employee to submit on-line.

Health and Safety Orientation Training

School Startup Safety Review School Start Up – Safety Review 2018-2019 EDIT[12656]

Safe School Protocols Slides (Suicide Prevention, VTRA & Child Abuse Protocols) Safe Schools Protocols 2018-2019

Staff Protocol Sign Off Form (Must be completed by the end of September)

Health and Safety Training Acknowledgement Form


Staff Training Manuals:,

Live Binder


Staff Training Videos:

The Paradox of Trauma

BC Connect Parent Video

Vanguard Drug Safety Presentation Jan 2017

Go do Empathy! Project Resiliency’s Cindy Pettit at TEDx

Belonging: A Short Film

Identity: A Short Film

Vanguard Secondary School

3825 - 244 Street, Langley
BC, V2Z 2L1
Phone: 604-856-9192
Fax: 604-856-9328