What do we do differently as a Type 3 Alternate Program (Tier 4 and 5)*?
*This is a “draft” statement for our specialized staff to further focus on intervention areas… we published it for the purpose of collaboration and feedback from our community. As we are aspiring to get better everyday, please let our staff know if the below descriptions need clarification or further development.
Tier 4* Interventions:
School Counsellors
- Writing and communicating initial Safety Plans (with consultation with Administration) and when necessary, doing subsequent revisions with consultation with Case Manager and Youth and Family Support Workers.
- monitoring and supporting in school therapeutic transitioning services of educational staff
- monitoring and supporting the trauma sensitive, G.A.P., care plan and safety plan practices and interventions across the school.
- supporting graduation plans/transitions and course scheduling with senior resource teacher, capstone teacher and primary support worker.
- co-facilitate with primary support worker all CYMH/community agency referrals
- will be available as primary support to all incident interventions, including:
- crisis self-harming behaviours
- suicide ideations/eight-step interventions
- hospital transition
- family crisis
Primary Support Workers (Youth and Family Support Workers)
- build intentional therapeutic relationships with all students – focusing on “case-load”
- is primary communication contact with “case-load” specific families (Parent/Guardian) when child is absent and/or as needed
- writes therapeutic “case-load” specific Therapeutic Care Plans
- Life Space interviewing and interventions
- RAP Response Ability Pathways interventions
- assists with the integration of cognitive behaviour therapy strategies, dialectical behaviour therapy strategies and trauma therapy strategies
- assists the monitoring and assessing critical/identified base-line behaviours
- assists in parent communication, mediation and support – connect parent facilitation
- attend and participate in regular Clinical Supervision and Consultation Meetings
- to facilitate or assist groups based on Therapeutic Care Plan needs
- to facilitate NeurOptimal Biofeedback (Non-linear) sessions and Subjective Units of Distress feedback
- to communicate with community partners
*All Staff – are familiar with strategies relating to Individual Education Plans, Care Plans and Safety Plans, including: self-regulation, safety interventions and trauma de-sensitivity programming.
Drug and Alcohol Worker
- build intentional therapeutic relationships with all students – focusing on “case-load” and D & A referrals (including all off site interventions such as Detox and Drug Treatment programming)
- is primary communication contact for those “case-load” and D & A referral students who have a drug related therapeutic care plan goal and family support plan
- assists with the integration of cognitive behaviour therapy strategies, dialectical behaviour therapy strategies and trauma therapy strategies – in collaboration with Youth and Family Support Worker
- assists the monitoring and assessing critical/identified base-line behaviours – in collaboration with Youth and Family Support Worker
- assists in parent communication, mediation and support – connect parent facilitation and community drug and alcohol resources
- communicate all documented intervention strategies accessed by students to Therapeutic Counseling Team
- attend and participate in regular Clinical Supervision and Consultation Meetings
- to facilitate or assist groups based on Therapeutic Care Plan needs
Aboriginal Support Workers
- build intentional “belonging” with all students – focusing on those with Aboriginal ancestry
- communicate with Aboriginal families when a child is not engaging or connecting with school services – in collaboration with Youth and Family Support Worker
- support Aboriginal students and their families on and off site
- provide cultural enhancement activities, such as: Circle of Caring, smudging, Warrior Club, Two Spirited Groups, etc…
- communicate all documented services being provided and accessed by students with Aboriginal ancestry to Therapeutic Counseling Team
- attend and participate in regular Clinical Supervision and Consultation Meetings
TIER 5* Interventions:
Clinician Team – District Clinical Consulting
- Pre PR Consultations
- Supervise the integration of attachment, cognitive behaviour and dialectical behaviour therapies and intervention strategies
- Clinical/Hospital Coordination and Intake (re-intake) Transitioning
- Three Day Alternate to Suspension Program – Assessment
- Integrated Case Management Support
- Post PR and Individual Follow-up Support
- Clinical Forms and Consent
Clinician Team – EMDR Trauma Therapy
- Trauma Protocol
- Addictions Protocol
- Resource Installation Protocol
- Performance Enhancement Protocol
- Pain Management Protocol
Clinician Team – Special Incident Support
- Violence Threat Risk Assessment Support and District Team Participation
- District Traumatic Event Support and District Critical Response Team Participation
- Eight-Step Assessment Support
ADDITIONAL THERAPEUTIC GROUPS Level 1 – Required by all students
Mondays through Fridays BL1 – Leadership/Career Education Class
Monday through Friday BL5/6 – Extension Classes
Alternating Wednesdays – IMPACT Events and Leadership Wednesday Events
Level 2 – Community Groups (Optional Participation)
Fridays BL6 – Positive Space/IMPACT Group
Requirement: You want to work together build knowledge and understand of others and ourselves through inclusive conversations and events. Student’s can meet in Doug’s room (#120)
Process of Participation: Any one wanting to participate need to contact Brandi or Austin directly.
Thursdays at Lunch – Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Group
Requirement: You want to learn more about Aboriginal Culture and participate in developing school wide events. Willingness to learn Halq’emeylem. Student’s can meet in Ryan’s room (#124)
Process of Participation: Any one wanting to participate need to contact Michael directly.
Level 3 – Therapeutic Groups (Optional participation)
Mondays BL5 – Mindfulness (Self-awareness and regulation) Group
Requirement: You want to work on reducing the impact of stress and anxiety and willing to attend regular meetings.
Process of Participation: Any one wanting to participate need to contact Kim or Angie directly.
Fridays BL4 – Overcoming Obstacles (Anger, Addiction and Adults) Group
Requirement: You want to work on reducing the impact of anger and addictions and willing to attend regular meetings.
Process of Participation: Any one wanting to participate need to contact Mindy or Gail directly.
- CREEKSIDE (Fraser Health)– Surrey
19 and under. Can stay for up to 30 days before Treatment. Medically supervised.
(No programming/ out-trips, little engagement, may be chance to speak to a therapist, interaction with adults withdrawing also)
604 587 3755
- DIRECTIONS – Vancouver
21 and under. 7 days stay, NO XANAX OR ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL due to risk of seizures and no 24/7 medical assistance
(medical assessment and visit with Doctor, on-site counselors, out-trips, referrals for treatment)
1-866-658-1221 for intake or on weekends call 604 872 4349
- DEWY – PCRS – Surrey and Coquitlam
- 13– 18 years old Day treatment program, Tuesday – Friday 1-5pm. Minimum attendance 6 hours per week. Program completion is 60 hours. Surrey: 604 951 4821 Coquitlam: 778 868 7165
- WATARI, Youth Day Treatment, – Vancouver
- 13– 24 years old, 7 week long program , 4 days a week. Referrals can come from anyone 604 438 3755
- ASTRA Program, PCRS – Langley
- 13 – 24 Years old, Outreach drug and alcohol counsellors who are also able to make referrals to treatment and other services, harm reduction tips 604 312 5866
- Regional Youth Concurrent Disorders Program (Outreach). Fraser Health, Langley
- Must have attempted to access 2 other forms of counseling/services before they are willing to work with a youth. The therapists work on an outreach basis to support with concurrent issues (mental health and substance use intertwined). All Referrals for the Youth Concurrent Disorders Program should be referred to: 778-240-3624 or FHMHSUYCDT@fraserhealth.ca.
- 17-24 years old, 22 beds, 3-6 month stay. Reopened recently under new management. 604 829 8658
- NECHAKO Treatment Centre –Prince George
- 13-18 year old, Youth specific residential treatment. 1 detox bed available beforehand also. 250 565 2387
- NENQAYNI Wellness Centre – Williams Lake
- 13-18 years old, Female only, 14 days clean required beforehand. 4 month program, 6 counseling sessions needed by either a counselor or social worker prior to intake. Referrals can be completed by any supportive worker. Intakes 3 times a year – January. March and August. 54 day refresher program for youth who are returning and 102 day stay for first intake. Applications must be accepted 25 days before intake. No Suboxone or Benzo’s allowed to be taken whilst at the centre. Equine learning is part of the youth program. 250 989 0301 ext 223
Fraser Valley
- LAST DOOR Recovery Society – New Westminster
14 to 18 years old, Long-term supportive recovery for young males. Community style living – alumni involved. Detox is preferred beforehand. 604 525 9771
- PEAK HOUSE, Pacific Youth and family Services, Vancouver
13-18 years old, 10 week stay. Must have abstained from substances for 7 days before admittance. Often long wait lists or uncertain admittance dates. 604 253 6319
- YOUNG BEARS LODGE, Urban Native Youth Association, Vancouver
13 to 18 years old, referrals can come from anyone, 5 beds, one to four month stay 604 322 7577
Vancouver Island
- HOPE HOUSE, Salvation Army, Victoria
6 beds, minimum 90 day stay. Male only residential drug and alcohol recovery and treatment program for youth. Priority for Crystal Meth addiction. Must be clean for 5 days before admittance. 250 381 9474
- WAYPOINT Addiction Treatment Centre for Boys – PLEA, Surrey
- 12 – 18 years old. 4 month program, live with a caregiver trained in detox and stabilization, probation order must direct them to attend full time program, also accepts private referrals on a fee basis, school completed through Surrey
604 871 0450
- DAUGHTERS AND SISTERS Treatment Program for Girls PLEA, Surrey
- years old, 6 month program, live with a caregiver trained in detox and stabilization, probation order must direct them to attend full time program, also accepts private referrals on a fee basis, School completed through Surrey 604 541 1133
- ‘AM’UT, Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver – New West/Surrey
- 12-18 years old, holistic residential program, self-identified Aboriginal females, 20 week program, referral must come from a probations offer 604 930 0214